About STIQ Isy Karima

Welcome to STIQ Isy Karima!

Socio-cultural developments and changes that occur in society due to development, economic, and globalization processes are increasingly approaching all levels of society, both in urban and rural areas. The era of modern information systems has made distance no longer an obstacle for people to get the latest information about an event or a new discovery in the field of knowledge. This symptom opens up opportunities as well as challenges for global competition. This is what makes the position of efforts to develop an independent and professional education system very strategic. Because the quality of human resources will be largely determined by the quality of the education system,

The beginning of the establishment of Ma’had Tahfizhul Qur’an Isy Karima Karanganyar Surakarta, Central Java, in 1999 began with Ma’had ‘Aly education at the D2 level based on Islamic boarding schools, where all students were required to memorize the Qur’an’s 30 Juz for 2 years. The number of students in the first batch of 16 people became the forerunner of the establishment of the Madrasah Aliyah Tahfizhul Qur’an (MATIQ). In later developments, Ma’had ‘Aly evolved into D3.

Gedung STIQ

Ma’had ‘Aly Tahfizhul Qur’an Isy Karima, as one of the pesantren educational institutions based on Qur’an memorization that emphasizes religious values (Islamic), must undoubtedly respond to all forms of social development and change in a proportional and professional manner.As a result, Ma’had ‘Aly Tahfizhul Qur’an Is Karima must be able to realize an independent, participatory, and active educational system and design in order to play the most effective role in assisting society in dealing with changes and developments in the times.

Realizing the phenomenon of these challenges, Ma’had ‘Aly Tahfizhul Qur’an Isy Karima is determined to become one of the universities that is able to answer the challenges and demands of the future. One of the concrete steps to start the program is that Ma’had ‘Aly Tahfizhul Qur’an Isy Karima Karanganyar Surakarta, Central Java, intends to develop and, at the same time, organize college-level education with a bachelor’s level (S1) under the name of the College of Qur’an Sciences, which is abbreviated as STIQ.

Alhamdulillah, with the permission of Allah SWT, precisely on January 27, 2012, STIQ Isy Karima obtained an official operational permit decree from the Central Ministry of Religion no. DJ. I/149/2012, with a study program in Qur’an and Tafsir.

Lecture activities have begun to run normally after the issuance of the STIQ ISY KARIMA operational permit on January 27 by the Central Ministry of Religion of Jakarta. All consequences related to the running of the above activities will always affect the activities of all administrators involved in them. It also includes the design of the STIQ ISY KARIMA academic work program in 2012/2013. With the dynamism of academic activities so far, it is hoped that there will be many positive changes in several aspects of learning and educational management in the STIQ Isy Karima environment.

In order to increase the acceleration of teaching staff / lecturers in the STIQ Isy Karima environment, several asatidz continue their master’s studies (S2) at IAIN Surakarta with the same study programs, namely Qur’an and Tafsir Science, with the help / scholarship from the Foundation (YSPII). with the hope of one day teaching at STIQ isy Karima after completing their master’s degree.

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